Monday, November 28, 2005

to keep my promise....

now i am back in my optimistic world where everything that goes wrong is also for a right reason.the reason is me.
You know whenever i think of whatever problems i'm facing i always think that may be my life is like this coz god wants my future more beautiful than the others...and now i am thinking is life a competition. to be betterthan others it all that is there to life....having more money than others...or having a better spouse than others...or having a more beautiful house than others...wearing better clothes than others...being more successful than others
i had neverthought of the competition conciously,,,but i was competing
i wish that my competition, if at all, was with own soul...for betterment of my soul,
not to lie,not to be covetious, not to hate, not to be rude, not to ask for more than i have,to compete in politeness,

cant i just compete for that,with myown self
its not that iwant to prove myself.but just to look at myself everynight and say "aparna,today you learnt this"
i used to do this ,,,but now,i havechanged(i would have said that the world taught me that i have to change but....) i allowed the world to affect me so much that i that fair?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truth is never a truth until it is believed to be a truth

Its true that life becomes a competition gradually but that is the lesson we must learn; the lesson to be just "HUMAN"! It is a human nature, you love it and you yearn for more, but then we do complain about he or she being perfect and us not being the one.
Lets look at life with a wider perspective and try and understand it. It might tell you why you compete with others and not with your ownself!

Be the change you want to see in the world -- Mahatama Gandhi