Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Top 10 New Year Resolutions people make and break

New Year Resolutions are something that you make every year as soon as the clock strikes 12 on the 31st night... Well, at least you are supposed to. But the problem with resolutions is that most people fail to keep it. It’s a promise to your own self, but most of us slack off within a week of promising the best of resolutions.

Here is a list of top 10 resolutions that people make and then expectedly break...

1. Lose weight: Probably tops the list of everyone who wants to make a resolution. People promise to lose weight as soon as the holiday season is over. They promise to exercise, run/jog, eat right and all the other things but fail to keep a track of it after starting...or they don’t even start at all.

2. Read more books: With the advent of Internet and other distractions many of us have forgotten the ‘old’ art of reading. Flipping through pages of fantasy and fiction, or life stories of the great people in history is such a relaxation. But come February, all the new books that have been bought just lie in the shelves and gather dust.

3. Go travelling: We love day dreaming about it. Even get jealous when we see so many people put up pictures of their latest adventures in some exotic getaway and obviously don’t get the time to plan for one ourselves. This time – get that backpack and get moving, don’t just plan how amazing it could have been.

4. Spend less time on the Internet: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon, there are just too many sites to visit and there are going to be hundreds more by the time you finish reading this piece. People promise to have more quality time with themselves every year and end up just surfing through the Internet on their computers, laptops and now, even on phones!

5. Do something for charity: It is unfortunate that there are so many people who need more than us. But most of us promise to do something good every year, and then forget about it once we get tangled in our daily lives.

6. Quit smoking/drinking: This one is a no brainer. All addicts promise to quit every year and the smallest of temptations brings it all back. One quick puff, or one small drink is all it takes for the addict to get back to the disgusting habit.

7. Socialise more in real life rather than on social networks: Call it the bane of modern lifestyle; but we have more friends online than we have in real life. Unfortunately we think and think about how we are going to change all that and bang! We are back to looking for someone to chat with on the Internet than go out for a coffee. Who wants to make all that effort?

8. Throw away unwanted stuff/clear the closet: Easy to say, hard to do. Most of the things that have been left unworn/unused in our closets or cupboards are things we hold very dear to us. The reason is nostalgia. The effect an ill-fitting trouser has on us can only be compared to grandma’s cookies. We love holding on to it and dreaming that someday we may fit into it. Or we think “I may still need it as I made the ‘Lose Weight’ resolution too!”

9. Save Money: Blown up your last savings on a Prada bag you just couldn’t resist? Welcome to the club. Saving money is probably something we all promise so we can make a down payment for a car, or a house at a prime location. But what happens with the next pay check? You end up using it for some shopping therapy when you are feeling low, or for that extra special birthday gift for your BFF.

10. Learn a new hobby: This can include salsa dancing, singing lessons, pottery and just about anything under the sun that you have been planning for long, but haven’t got around to learning yet. The biggest reason most people stop from trying this is the amount of time you need to give to learn a new art. No matter how inspiring the reality shows are, finding a teacher who is willing to teach you at a nominal fee, and balancing your career and personal lives can be quite daunting.

(The views expressed by the author are personal)

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