Saturday, January 05, 2013


You sailed in your boat alone on the river Padma,
Crossed the turbulent river rowing your boat with all your might
And carried along a generation of reptiles,
Who tugged their rope around the hull of your boat.
They knew the foolish, drunkard voyager well enough
And you knew these vultures too.
They wanted to cross the river in the comfort of the mast,
For you they were the jesters adorning the Court
You presided over, shouting "All is Well", "All is Well".

You sailed along the riverine course
Charted within you like the palm of your hand;
When you heard the rumblings of the sea
Didn't you know the hungry tide awaits you?
Everyone else knew.
Your ears warned you, so warned your eyes.
But the blood of Chand Banik revolted within,
Marshalled the remnant of the strength

To put up the last fight.
The birds had picked up the crumbs by then,
And left the mast to set out for another boat.
The foolish voyager was all alone in the leaking boat.
He looked up at the sky before drowning and smiled.
The heaven is full of voyagers down the ages,
foolish enough, and perished like him, fighting the hungry tide.

Amar Mudi

One of my favourite poems by my father. Please do read and comment. You can also email your response to to tell him your opinions. 

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