Monday, August 04, 2008

dava dava dava dava

The stuck tapes... of the one play on... a term given by a dear friend to the unending series of a million images, a billion memories...
Have you ever seen the section of "from your past relationships you have learnt:" apparently "nothing", it should have been don't live in memories... apparently the one never learns.
I cant stop... I just can't, it exists with every thing that ensues around me.
happy friendships day. to those who care.. to those who don't... it was just another lazy Sunday...

a lazy Sunday with a tight schedule... the eventfulness of it still didn’t really break the broken record. Loads of smiles played on my lips for the simple reason of the broken
dava dava dava dava…

currently reading : Bourne Supremacy
currently listening: Mohiner Ghoraguli (seriously recommends)
first indian rock band.. amazing music

image (C) aparnamudi, chennai, amethyst... its a cafe.. must visit

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