Sunday, August 07, 2011


I call out to Gods,
Save me from the ‘forever’
Don’t you resurrect me,
For I am not yours to do that.

I do not ask for your reflection inside me,
Nor Thy ‘holy’ spirit’
For your promises stay fictitious.

Your clawed hands scar me,
The dark ages had it right.
They cut me open wide,
You are but a poser, the false prophet yourself.
You create and then abandon,
annihilate everything like a sadist
And then you send prophets,
Who make justifications for your faux pas….
And exalt you…

A Poem Written sometime in 2006/2007  so pardon the sentiments
Currently listening to: Dory Previn
Currently reading: Gora, Rabindranath Tagore and  Collected Short stories: Ruskin Bond


Shubhra Sharma said...


Aparna Mudi said...

I quite agree

Kalyan Panja said...

Thats the beauty of the mystery behind earth...nicely crafted lines!