Saturday, June 06, 2009

first page

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Silence the voices within. Go deaf to the voices without. Relax. And then And then feel the force that is in you. The force that has infinite power to do anything. Everything begins from there. That is what ‘design’ to me is. It begins from there, from within. It comes from the million things I have realized in my short insignificant time on this vast place. What I know today is the one thousandth part of what I can know. What evolves from there, from what I know is design. I inspire. I’m not god, but I try to take from whoever has thought beyond everything that exists. The stronger I feel that force of a noveau creation, the closer I am to divinity. It is not a novel idea, most feel that it is the artistic temperament. It is not, this is what drives humanity, what drives science, that is, to strive harder to achieve what has not been achieved yet. Design, create, acquire, discover, appreciate, learn… “live”


chunky said...

summed up in a very nice word - "live"

With Malice said...

yeah.... nice